Comic strip

This week for the Summer Learning Journey On Monday we have a really fun task

First Miss Tele’a told us we starting the Summer Learning Journey & then Miss Tele’a told us what we have to do & then Miss Tele’a said we can make this like a story of our own with cool background & people & some other cool objects matching with the background that’s really cool but we all have to register.

Next i started working on my comicstrip but is started in my Kick Start & because i am starting on my Kick Start is because you have to beacuse the step it up to make it a little challenging for you to able to finish all your Summer Learning Journey is able to get some cool prizes really really cool but very expensive.

Lastly i was done with my comic strip & then started blogging it & then link my work on to my blog & then started blogging a caption for my blog post,15 minutes later done & then publish it onto my blog & then got one point got a lot to do but worth to get cool prizes.

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